Sunday, October 14, 2007


I had enough with other countries or races discriminating us - Filipinos. I may be 75% chinese and 25% filipino, but the percentage doesn't really matters to me. I'm a proud Filipino. Despite the my color and physical appearance, Most of my morals, values and way of thinking are purely Filipino. So treat Filipinos with RESPECT - because they deserve it as well as you do.

Recently, as I was scanning the net for more informations about chocolate, I bump into this site: That was the only time that i knew about how other races discriminate us. I thought they only make fun of us throught some of the movies that I've seen. But this has no exeption. Using the word "Filipinos" as a chocolate brand that is made from Spain and Portugal. The act of naming it as a racial identity is offensive. The reason for doing such was because of our dark skin. In addition, the food intruction says, "Try Filipinos after one hour in the fridge." Worst, in their Dutch campaign, their headline was, "Are you as Tasty as a Filipino?".

In the year 1999, The Philippine government took action on this matter. They filed a diplomatic protest with the government of Spain, the European Commission, and the manufacturer Nabisco Iberia. The protest to stop selling the product until the brand name is changed. Until now, this issue is still unsolve.

If you take pride in being a Filipino, sign the petition on the site posted above.

Recently, There became an issue about Filipino discrimination on the Desperate Housewives soap. They discriminated doctors who studied in the Philippines. Since our country is sooooo kind, the gov't only asked a PUBLIC APOLOGY from the said soap. To know the details of the scene in that soap, click on the youtube site located below.

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