First, lets make it a habit to look at the ingredients or labels of the food that we are eating. In this case, chocolates. Make sure that the chocolate your about to eat has large amounts of cocoa butter and cocoa solids. This is a must if your looking for a good quality of chocolate, yet it may be expensive. But hey, why let your taste buds suffer and make your day miserable?! right?!
Seconds, its better if you keep your chocolates at a room temperature. Part of the tasting experience is if it heavenly melts in your mouth. Also, if the chocolate is already in the fridge, don't take it out! It will melt easily.
Thirdly, use your three senses. For the sense of sight, examine the chocolate that your about to eat. It must be free from blemishes or scarce. If not, it must be old or subject to extremes in temperature or handling. For the sense of hearing, a good quality of chocolate must have a "snap' when break into pieces. "The louder the snap, the higher the cocoa quantity and better the tempering". For the sense of smell, it should smell the aroma of chocolate. Since chocolate adapts to the odor of its environment and its added ingedients may interfere in smelling its aroma, the chocolate's aroma must still prevail or else its taste is much different from a real chocolate would be.
Lastly, Indulge to your chocolate. Treat every bite as if its your last. Examine how it the flavors melt in your mouth and how it makes your day complete. As quoted from the article, "Treat chocolate with some Respect", for it will reward you for it. Its better if you'll be eating your favorite chocolate without destruction, that way, you'll appreciate it more.
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