Saturday, December 22, 2007

A Merry Treat!!!

Having problems on what to give this Christmas?! Think no more because you have only one yet cheaper option – CHOCOLATES!!! Not only does it give joy and sugar rush to the kids but it also gives nutritional benefits – to the adults too.

For the people you love and care for the most, buy or make the high-quality yet healthiest chocolate – Dark Chocolate. It might not be that sweet, but definitely he/she would know how thoughtful you can be. For kids, without health problems, I would recommend Milk or White Chocolate. It’s much creamier and tastier among others. For the family or parties, make a chocolate fountain out of Couverture. Its best used as chocolate coating in candies, truffles and treats.

But never give your dogs chocolate, no matter how much you love them. It’s lethal to them because of the Theobromine ingredient found in chocolates. This ingredient stimulates the cardiac muscle and central nervous system of these animals causing death. Fortunately, this ingredient is contradictory to man. This ingredient combined with caffeine (also found in chocolates) provides a “lift” in the mood and pleasure that chocolate eaters experience.

Christmas will be much sweeter with chocolate. The experience is incomplete without it. For this special occasion, it doesn’t matter what kind of chocolate it can be – may it be candies, cakes, pastries, drink and etc. For as long as there’s chocolate, the celebration would be livelier and happier.

Eat merrily with chocolates!!!



Monday, December 10, 2007

Truth v.s. Fallacies

Here’s good news for everyone, not all myths about chocolates are true. Here are some of them you might want to take note of...

Chocolates keeps Acne away! Don’t waste your time making appointments to your dermatologist after eating loads of chocolates. Research studies, made by Pennsylvania school of Medicine and the U.S. Naval Academy, proved that eating chocolate neither causes nor aggravates acne. This further research also led to a conclusion that diet or food is neither linked to acne.

Say, “No more tooth decay”! Say good bye to terrifying dentists. Research has not proven that chocolates does cause cavities or tooth decay. In fact, it indicates that cocoa butter in the chocolate coats the teeth and may help protect them by preventing plaque from forming. The sugar content in the chocolate may contribute to cavities, but no more that the sugar in any other food. But still, it is better to be safe than never – brush your teeth at least twice or thrice a day.

I bet you guys are feeling better now after knowing all these facts. So let us indulge with our favourite treat without worrying what will happen next. But always remember to Eat Moderately and say GOOD BYE TO DOCTORS!
